Thursday, December 4, 2008

"The Pass of the North"

During the mid 1500s, an expedition of Spanish explorers saw on their approach from the Rio Grande, two mountain ranges rising from the desert with a deep chasm between. They named the site “El Paso del Norte” or “the Pass of the North”.

Population of the El Paso area grew when the Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1680 sent Spanish colonists southward in search of safety. By the middle of the eighteenth century, approximately 5000 people populated the El Paso area. Among them were Spaniards, Indians and Harley Enthusiasts.

Okay, so I may have deviated from the facts slightly. However, the reality of today is that there is in-fact a good share of Harley Enthusiasts in El Paso. This I know because of our recent expedition to this vast land rich with history.

Upon my first contact with Mark Barnett, Manager of Barnett Harley-Davidson and Publisher of Barnett’s Magazine--regarding our interest in holding a RoadLoK event--he was more than willing to host an event at his location. Flyers were mailed and banners were ordered and shipped along with an ample supply of RoadLoK Defenders for his “weekend after Thanksgiving” event.

Without a doubt, the thing I enjoy most these days is traveling to Harley Dealerships and meeting people. Mark runs a tight ship! His staff is pleasant to deal with and his customers are plentiful. RoadLoK received a warm welcoming as indicated on Barnett’s marquee, which was visible to passersby along the nearby interstate.

The RoadLoK Defender was a hit with Barnett’s customers. Positive feedback always accompanies RoadLoK demonstrations! Our business trip to El Paso was a great experience and many local Harley riders now will enjoy the feeling of having the best protection available on their bikes.

Oh, one other thing: Texas does truly have the best steaks around. Thanks George!

Visit Barnett Harley-Davidson when you are in the area and be sure to check out the RoadLoK give-away in the December issue of Barnett’s Magazine!

~Safe Riding~

-The Chief

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Flying High with the Chief

Typically, my road reports are about riding on two wheels here and there with a little bit of humor spread throughout.

There are times when traveling for our company requires just a little more speed than bikes or company trucks and trailers are capable of. Rest assured however, that when the Chief makes it to point B, seeking out a two-wheeled scoot to ride, is never too difficult.

October 10th found our gang traveling at roughly 525 mph and at an altitude of about 38,000 feet.
Our Destination? - Daytona! The average time in the air from Orange County New York to Orlando International is just under three hours. Three hours which were swiftly erased by making friends with Dan. Dan was heading back home to Orlando and just happened to be a Harley owner and rider. That is all it takes in this business to make friends. Simple - you have a bike - you are my friend.

Having landed safely, the RoadLoK crew arrives at Bruce Rossmeyer's Daytona Harley-Davidson. The purpose of which, was for installation of our locking systems on Mr. Rossmeyer's inventory of bikes and to train his staff on our product. Though there may have been some initial skepticism by the staff, once we made our presence and product known to his crew it was a positive experience from that point on.

Would you care to wager a guess as to how many RoadLoK Defenders the Chief can install in one day? An easier question that I could propose to you may be regarding the hardness of the tile floors in Rossmeyer's dealership. My half-century-old knees can attest to this fact quite accurately.

With our mission accomplished of the initial installation of Defenders on new Harleys, making them ready for purchase by unsuspecting Biketoberfest customers - the Chief included in this list - our crew headed back to New York. But not before yours truly having sealed the deal on a new Cross Bones, to make his Florida visit just a little more enjoyable!

Flying is a major thrill for me. I love the window seats. I always get the window seat on my Harley. In my mind, flying and riding go hand in hand. Obvious differences - some similarities.

Care to get an awesome deal on a new Harley? Might I suggest a trip to Rossmeyer's Daytona Harley-Davidson. One fine dealership with a really great staff. Thanks Rossmeyer's for your support and dedication to RoadLoK!

~Safe Riding~

-The Chief

Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer Slowly Fading Away

Weather in New York is like an artist’s pallet of varied and vivid colors. Having lived here my entire life, I have come to accept it for what it is, and nothing more. I have often been heard to say that when I truly retire, it will be to a warmer climate. As the riding season comes to a hopefully seriously slow ending, I will take this time to reflect on the 2008-riding season.

The majority of my road trips were focused in the Hudson Valley area this year. To this day, I remain astounded over such beauty of the mountains and valleys coupled with the remarkable highways winding in and around them. Most of my road trips this season were somewhat shorter than past summers. There was no particular reason for this; it is just the way it turned out.

As each season slowly comes to an end, I like also to acknowledge that I am thankful for having an incident free year of riding. Typically not being the superstitious type, I have little concern that commenting on this will somehow change my luck. The Guardian Bell on my Harley keeps me safe!

Our Company - RoadLoK - has enjoyed a respectable year business wise. Knowing that we have helped many bikers to secure their prized possessions and hopefully sleep better at night, gives me a good feeling of accomplishment. I mostly enjoy our customer’s feedback, which is always positive. Our products are awesome – our customer service outstanding!

~Safe Riding~

-The Chief

Monday, August 4, 2008

Spread your Wings Little Butterfly

It was a year or so ago that Buffy first mentioned that she really liked my Yamaha 600 sport-bike. Many conversations followed about that bike and about just how much she liked it. So --being the father that I am-- I mentioned that if she were ever to get her motorcycle endorsement, the bike would be hers.

One thing I have learned over the years about my three offspring is that I should never encourage actions such as this, because my children are kind of like me. When they get an idea or take an interest in something, they always follow through, and typically with great enthusiasm.

So when Kristin --aka Buffy-- called me a month ago and excitedly spilled out the words, “Dad, I got my motorcycle license” I was not surprised. "Awesome job" I told her, as she quickly reminded me of the promise I had made about my bike. Giving up the bike didn’t concern me as much as the new list of concerns that entered my mind once I realized that my girl would now join the ranks of a Biker.

After coming here a month ago from her Navy based Virginia Beach home, and taking a couple of riding lessons on the 600, the deal was finalized. The bike fit her --or better still-- she fit the bike, and dad would deliver it to her doorstep.

Trailering her bike last week from New York to Virginia was uneventful. Yes, I did say trailering. I know what you’re thinking and yes, I am. Please allow me to justify my actions. Had I ridden that scoot for 8 hours straight, you surely wouldn’t be reading this report today and possibly not for a month or more.

The excitement and look on Buffy’s face when we unloaded her newly prized possession made everything about the deal worthwhile. After a quick "in service" on keeping the bike in top condition, I was headed back to New York.

To my daughter – Spread your wings little butterfly – be safe and never forget the basics. Enjoy the ride but be careful. Always be defensive and ride with the thought that no one sees you because many do not.

The Chief without a crotch-rocket? Not a chance. I bought a new Yamaha R1 within hours of Buffy passing her test!

~Safe Riding~

-The Chief

Monday, July 28, 2008

First Impressions and Expensive Wine

I already know what you are thinking - “What does this story have to do with the sport of motorcycles and hard-core biking?” "Nothing really" - is my response. You have to understand something plain and simple about me. I like writing about anything and everything, not just about motorcycles and bike events.

So, for those of you whom are hard-core only, move along and wait for my next road report. And for those of you who enjoy reading any of my whimsical nonsense about daily life, follow along as I attempt to make this somewhat relative to our love for motorcycles.

Let’s go back to the Spring of 2006. Back to a time when the Chief was “The Chief” and when riding came second in his busy but exciting lifestyle.

Having always been somewhat self conscious about my smile, I decided one evening to take a major step and begin the process of seeking out an Orthodontist to assist me in a rebuilding project. Only this time – unlike customizing a bike - I would have very little control over the types and designs of the parts to be installed. I will admit however, that I was given some choice during each ten-week visit as to the color of the elastic bands that would help to form a nice and new smile.

I was instantly pleased upon my first visit at Get It Straight in Pittsford New York. It was here, that I discovered a small community of very professional and just all around good folks whom truly cared about their patients.

Having walked into their Re-Alignment Shop two years ago in my neatly pressed uniform and seeking their help, makes me think back to that time and all of the changes in my life that have taken place since that day. My Retirement from Police work, the move to Orange County, the addition of 2 more motorcycles and the many miles of travel around the United States to attend bike events, to name a few.

My final visit was last week. I wanted to go out with a bang, so when I handed Dr. G my digital camera and told him he had to document the removal of my new grille’s structural support system, he was more than happy to oblige. The Chief doesn’t do much these days that is typical or usual, by any standards. Upon writing the final check to cover the repair job, I received a bottle of wine. “Expensive wine”, I thought aloud!

The Chief always makes a big production of everything. First impressions and expensive wine can make all the difference. Remember – you only live once!

Thank you to the expert team at Get It Straight – my new smile is sure to attract not only new friends, but without a doubt, many flying insects while I’m on the road!

~Safe Riding~

- The Chief

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ah, The Hudson Valley!

Recipe for an awesome Summer Saturday in New York -


One Harley-Davidson Street Glide
One Warm and Sunny Day
One Fun Lovin Chief
One Sweet Lady from Delaware

Mix the four together - stirred, not shaken - and you have just what it takes for a fun and exciting riding experience!

There is something about the Hudson Valley that truly intrigues me. It's one of those things in life that one often cannot pinpoint exactly. It could be the endless rolling highways along the riverbanks on either side, or possibly the unbelievable mountain ranges jutting high into the sky. Perhaps it is the bridges crossing over the Hudson or the railways running parallel.

Regardless of exactly what the attraction is to me, I know beyond any reasonable doubt that it is a sight surely worth sharing with those whom you care about.

Karen is an awesome friend of mine. She is the kind of friend that a man feels comfortable sharing his most treasured moments with. So when Karen expressed an interest in spending some time cruising around the area with the Chief and seeing some of the sights he so often has boasted about, the offer was readily accepted.

Choice of highways on this particular summer Saturday was State Route 9D which winds like a snake through Dutchess and Putnam County along the Hudson.

First stop - Orange County Choppers - which just happens to be on the way. In an effort to help Sr. pay his utility bills on his vast new complex, we made the typical OCC tee shirt purchases after a long and tedious debate on colors and fashions (thanks Karen)!

Crossing the Newburgh/Beacon Bridge and heading down 9D we cruise into the village of Cold Spring. A village that has attracted my attention on more than one occasion, we stop in this quaint community for a short visit to enjoy some refreshments and spend a little time sharing our deepest of thoughts with each other. Karen is fun, because I can ramble on about trivial nonsense and she still likes me.

The one thing I failed to tell my friend although she was soon to find out - was the fact that even though I love this scenic area, I'm not all that familiar with the roads and where they may or may not take you. To say that I was a little nervous when we found ourselves in New Jersey in what appeared to be a National Park without a gas station in site and a needle pointing to E would simply be an understatement.

Thankfully, my Harley - good on gas - found her way out of the woods and back to civilization after an hour or so of what I believe was riding around in circles. Gas station? Yeah, we found one - but not until stopping to ask a local resident where the closest one was hiding. The Chief asking directions? Well, typically not – unless several comments prompt those actions…

-The Chief

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shameless Promotion!

Hey all!

I've been charged with pedalling our company's wares to everyone I know. You're all in my Outlook contacts, so take a look at our threads and fine porcelains:

I know what you're probably thinking... the Chief's a sell out. RoadLoK pays my bills and keeps gas in my scoot, so there!

Ride safe!

-The Chief

"Jane Doe"

Although On the Road with the Chief was born out of my love for cruising around the countryside on my sweet Harley Street Glide, there is yet another side to the Chief that surfaces every now and then and involves my love for speed and excitement. Without a doubt, it was wise for me—when I purchased my sportbike—to limit it to a 600cc scoot.

A few weeks ago, a couple of the guys from the office and I decided to take a short ride up to Ellenville N.Y. to experience the breathtaking views from atop the mountains. Bike of choice—YZF 600.

It was there, alongside a mountain overlook that “Jane Doe” came into my life. OK, so I’ll be the first to admit: it was the bike that attracted her, or maybe more accurately, the fact that the guys with me were half my age. Regardless of those facts, when a young and attractive woman approaches the Chief and solicits her “first ride on a motorcycle” many thoughts come into my mind. What if this? What if that? “Ok, I’ll give you a ride”. It was that simple.

So, off we cruise down the mountain road. The trip was short and sweet probably lasting no more than ten minutes, but it was ten minutes that I will remember for a long time. I attributed “Jane’s” trembling legs during the ride to the fact that she was slightly nervous—having never been on a bike before. Or perhaps the fact that she was in the presence of “the Chief”. No, it was the thrill and excitement of her first ride!

Jane, as much as you enjoyed your first motorcycle ride, I enjoyed your company and the short period of time that you came into and exited (uh, excited) my life.

Thank you!

-The Chief

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Public Service Message About Motorcycle Security

I would surmise that with the current economic situation in our country, the use of and sales of motorcycles will probably increase. Many motorcycle owners whom in the past, have used their bikes for luxury and sport, may find it necessary to utilize their bike for daily commuting. Gas prices certainly could dictate this trend.

For that reason—and because we at RoadLoK Security truly care about you and your motorcycle—I would like to offer some words of advice about securing your prized possession.

Common sense can go a long way. Without going into a long laundry list of “do’s and don'ts” I’ll make this simple, brief and to the point:

A good share of motorcycle thefts in the United States are “roll away”- or “ride away”-type thefts. We all know and have heard many times that “ four strong men with a couple of pipes or two by fours, can carry your locked bike away”.

Yes, RoadLoK Security acknowledges the fact that if someone wants your bike bad enough, they’ll probably get it. We simply say, “don’t let your bike remain an easy target”.

Lock your bike as best as you know how. Install a RoadLoK, utilize a chain and padlock, install an alarm with a lock—just do something to secure the bike!

Always try to park in well lit areas that are visible to vehicle and foot traffic. If you ride in a group, block each others bike in and secure them all. If you can secure more than one bike to another or to an immovable object, do that too.
If you are continuously aware of the threat of theft, and keep a security conscious mind about where and how you leave your bike unattended you may not become a disgruntled pedestrian!

The photo included in this report, shows how a RoadLoK Defender thwarted the attempted theft of my Street Glide. Thanks RoadLoK!

Safe Riding!

-The Chief

Friday, March 28, 2008

Daytona Bike Week 2008

Ah yes, Daytona Bike Week once again. An event well worth the time and expense involved to attend even when one is not feeling his best. The lack of photos taken on my camera would serve as proof positive that I was less than well.

Attendance this year was low. It was obvious and noticeable to me. I wondered aloud—on more than one occasion—whether it was weather-related or the current poor economic crunch we were all feeling… or both. Regardless, there was a noticeable difference.

Being the type of guy that I am, I typically make the best of a bad situation. For that reason—even though one day found me at the local “walk-in” clinic loading up on antibiotics—the remainder of the time found me promoting our locking systems to those who faithfully returned to Daytona for Bike Week.

This year, one of the highlights for me was meeting a Victory owner who purchased a Defender from us and had it installed on his bike. The Victory Defender has only been available for a short period of time and this was my first “in person” sale. To add to the excitement, his son bought a Defender for his Fat Boy. Two very intelligent men who care about their bikes!

As mentioned above this was just one of the highlights of my time in Daytona this year.

Another highlight was probably the awesome attention given to us at Hooligans Bar and Grille in Bruce Rossmeyer’s complex by some very nice waitresses. This I mention because if any of my road reports didn’t mention a woman or two, you would probably figure that someone else was writing my reports or that I was still very ill.

The next event for the RoadLoK Crew will be the Virginia Beach Bike Classic!

Safe Riding!

-The Chief

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fixing the Winter Blues - PART I

FEBRUARY 12, 2008
by The Chief

I’ve never really liked winter. Well, perhaps back in the day when I was a young lad living in upstate New York and finding my way from point A to point B aboard a motorized contraption sporting two skis and a track. But that was then, and this is now.

Feeling a very realistic need to get away from the cold January in New York I decided to take a short road trip to a favorite spot of mine in Virginia.

Look out Virginia Beach, the Chief is coming back! So, on the road I head out—RoadLoK promotional material in one hand, camera in the other. One thing you have to understand right up front is the fact that I can’t get to Virginia Beach without first stopping to visit a favorite Harley dealership in Delaware.

More than just another Harley dealership, Mike’s Famous in Smyrna is like family to me.

There’s something about this whole area around Smyrna and Dover that tends to draw me to it. So as typical for me, I spend some time visiting and talking the talk about new developments—and of course—about the new Fat Bob I have on-order.

Back on the road, sporting my new hoodie from Mike’s, I continue my journey to the Beach; which by the way just happened to be about forty degrees warmer than New York. Seventy degrees and sunny is how this Chief likes to deal with the winter blues. Any questions?

After spending a nice weekend with friends and my Navy daughter, I head out Monday morning on a mission—a RoadLoK mission. There are many great Harley-Davidson dealerships in Virginia and many in the Beach area that are RoadLoK Dealers.

Watch out Richmond, here I come!

-The Chief

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lone Star Rally - Really!

JANUARY 16, 2008
by The Chief

One thing that the RoadLoK Crew does and does well is share ideas--typically over dinner and drinks. I guess that is where the decision was reached while coming back from Biketoberfest to head west to Galveston. It was as if a bright light--a star perhaps... a lone star--shone down from the skies above and gently jogged one of our brains enough to say, 'Let’s go to the Lone Star Rally'. Of course we all chimed in with our affirmations that this was in fact a great idea.

So without further question or consideration, the RoadLoK Crew heads west and what a trip it turned out to be. Writing short road reports becomes difficult at times like this, when there is so much to say, coupled with my feeble attempt at keeping the report interesting. Should I load up this story with memoirs of typical Chief stuff, you know: lady bikers, hot bikes, hot lady bikers? Or should I talk about the fantastic weather, scenery and great riding that we were to behold?

Decision made. I’ll discuss three awesome Harley-Davidson dealerships we made contact with and who are now Authorized RoadLoK Dealers. After all folks, RoadLoK does pay me to promote their products so every now and again, I should focus on RoadLoK business.

First stop: Cowboy Harley-Davidson in Beaumont TX.
The first couple of minutes inside of a Harley Dealership--any Harley Dealership--fills this Chief's head with key information about the business. Upon first entering a dealership I notice several key factors which include layout, inventory quantities and employee friendliness & activity. Cowboy Harley sent great vibes that made me feel at home and comfortable!

When I approached the Parts Counter and made my somewhat routine introduction and product promotion speech I found--within minutes--a parade of Parts and Service Personnel following me to the parking lot to see first hand just what the RoadLoK was all about. Parts Manager, James Gray took little time to make the decision to come on board and help RoadLoK secure Harley motorcycles around the Beaumont area. Two thumbs up to a great dealership and a great crew at Cowboy Harley-Davidson!

Next stop: Mancuso Harley-Davidson, Houston TX.
Requiring a much needed break from the revving engines and hordes of bikers pushing their way through the Rally madness, a couple of the RoadLoK Crew decided to join me on a venture to another dealership or two.

As mentioned above, the first couple of minutes in a dealership tells me volumes of information about the overall operation of the business. Mancuso Harley-Davidson and Mancuso American Speed are two fantastic dealerships. The Parts Managers, Eric and Brian, know bikes, know the business and know a great product when they see it! I won’t say that they were an easy sell (thanks Brian) but both men were a real pleasure to work with. Two thumbs up to two more great Harley-Davidson Dealers!

Typically the Chief tells of his road trips as being highlighted by the scenery, the ladies and oh yes, did I mention the ladies? The Lone Star Rally certainly provided much entertainment in that arena, but truthfully, the highlight of this trip was the discovery of yet three great Harley Dealerships!

-The Chief