The offer to attend a high school track meet was inviting. Considering that I hadn't been to a high school sports event in ten or more years had a certain appeal to me that I openly welcomed.
Asking that I accompany her, Patti had decided to attend the meet even though the weather was somewhat cold and rainy, which is typical for early Spring in New Jersey. The track event was being held several school districts away and her daughter Carly --a Senior and member of the team-- would be competing in several field events.
My first observation once there, was that the event was much larger than those that I had been involved in during my coaching years. There seemed to be more schools, more competitors and a larger spectator crowd. The coffee we purchased upon arrival, although it didn't deserve that label, served a much more important role which involved the transferring of heat from the cup to my already chilled to the bone fingers. A dollar well spent.
After a couple of introductions to a few of Patti's friends, I found my own small section of earth to plant my feet on, where I could observe the Shot Put, Javelin and Discus throwers, and slowly chill the rest of my normally warm Florida body.
As I stand and observe, I feel the coldness gradually working its way through my body, soul and mind -
"This is one part of the job that I really don't care for", I thought to myself as I looked around at all of the other officers. "There must be fifty departments represented here. This scene seems somehow all too familiar to me", the thoughts continued.
As the officers lined up, one row and then another, there was an ever present sense of sadness, although this was coupled with a feeling of camaraderie. As much as I truly enjoy my profession, I am aware on a daily basis, of just how disposable I am. Now, once again as I watch as a fellow officer is laid to rest, I am reminded of this fact.
My fingers and toes are so cold that they hurt. They haven't reached the point of no feeling yet, they just hurt. The late afternoon chill in the air is different than the chill that runs down my spine as the Marksmen fire their rifles in a final tribute to an officer who paid the ultimate price. But still, I stand at attention like all of the other men and women in blue. Standing at attention as the bagpipers play. Standing at attention as the rifles crack the silence. Standing at attention as the Minister speaks, and finally, as the casket is lowered below our playing field where mankind lives, where track team members compete, and where Police Officers strive daily to survive.
"Chief, get the camera ready, Carly's going to throw", Patti says, which brings me back from a time and lifestyle of years gone by. "Are you okay?" she asks, noticing my far away gaze. "Fine", is my reply --as I stand there still numb from the coldness lurking throughout my body.
Leaving the meet --as warmth and feelings begin their journey back into my extremities-- I sense a familiar calm as I thank an officer who has just stopped traffic for us to cross the street.
"Let's stop for a good cup of coffee on the way home", I offer.
~Safe Riding~
-The Chief