Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In Tune In Time

What has it been, like practically two years since I've entertained you with my deepest of thoughts?
It's not that I have lost interest in writing to you and letting you know what I'm thinking about. It's more about my daily routine and stubborn reluctance to stray from my active lifestyle.

Because I have no real interest today in chatting about any one particular subject, I'll just babble along aimlessly and catch you up on the ins and outs of my daily life in sunny Florida.

I'm still managing to hit the streets on a fairly regular basis. Running, we're talking about. In-fact, this month puts me at twenty four years on the roads, and close to 75 pairs of Asics running shoes purchased and trampled to death. Those years have been good to me. Hell, I'm still able to get out there and manage a decent pace. Not fast, not slow --decent.

Ninety degree running weather has many advantages, and probably a few disadvantages too. It's easy to keep the extra weight off, especially if you tend to like the --not so healthy--treats. That's me! It also makes for interesting comments from my neighbors as I run by, "you're crazy, you'll die out here" for example. I smile and wave.

Music continues to take up the majority of each day. Relax, it's a good thing! Do you remember how it started for me? Actually, it started back in the '60s in my school, when I decided I wanted to play the trumpet. It continues to this very day, minus a 37 year break. I misplaced my horn and found it 37 years later. Okay, actually that's not the truth. Life happened and I misplaced the interest in playing. Now you know the facts.

Where am I at today with the music thing, you ask? Well, here's an abbreviated version, so as not to bore you to tears with my awesome life. I sounds conceited, but it's not, and I'm not. Really.

Practicing my music on an average of four to five hours each day has taken me to some exciting performance venues. Patti joined the ranks with me a couple of years ago and together we make for an interesting duo. It's not often that you would see a singer with a trumpet player. In a nutshell, Patti makes me look (and sound) good. It's true.

We have been able to perform in many venues including the immediate area we live in. I'll mention two highlights to our performances. Every performance, whether for a private club/meeting or a performance open to the public, have all been fun and exciting.

When we vacationed in Los Cabos, Mexico last June, we performed at the Hyatt Ziva resort where we were staying. The nightclub/bar had a small crowd that evening, but the Baileys was great!

Recently we were contracted to perform in the Villages Retirement community at the Savannah Center. This venue exposed our music to upward of five thousand people. Many compliments were received and several more offers came as a result of these performances.

So that's a little update that I wanted to share. We're headed for a busy summer with three graduations and lots of traveling. Seattle, Chicago, Boston, New York --my Asics and trumpet are packed-- where are you going?

~The Chief

for to listen to some of our stuff -

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