Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Little World

I'm just not ready, and that's that. No one may understand, but the fact is --I like it here in my warm and comfortable fortress of dark security. I'm sure that life on the outside is probably okay, but for now I'll just remain here a little longer, and learn and grow in the comfort of my surroundings.

The muffled sounds outside are interesting to me. I don't quite understand the voices but they seem to be fairly constant, although there is a short break from the sounds every so often, and the silence seems to be on a schedule. There also seems to be a lot of activity, a certain type of movement somewhat regularly. Sometimes the movement I speak of tends to make me feel like I'm falling --head first, but overall I feel secure.

Wait, there's that strange feeling again --as if something very cold is trying to permeate my fortress. Usually when I get this sensation of  cold (kind of like ice cream cold, although I'm not really sure what that is) but not uncomfortable change in my secure environment, the feeling lasts for just a short time. Gradually, the warm and gentle surroundings that I am so used to, return and I am once again at peace. I love my environment as I grow each day.

I have been here for a very long time, although I don't yet really understand time --in-fact, I don't really understand too much at this point in my life. I am alive however and I have many thoughts. Thoughts are forming each day but for now, I'll just stay here and enjoy this warm and comfortable fortress that I have grown to love.

There will be plenty of time to learn about life, and plenty of time to learn about the world. These are all of the things that everyone else knows about except me.

I am alive you see, but I haven't yet been born into your world. I am on the way however, so relax and enjoy each day until I decide to make my grand entrance into our world.

*Relayed to me from my soon to be born granddaughter, Jocelyn.

~Safe Riding~

-The Chief


Buffy said...

I almost cried! What a good read! Almost makes me feel bad that I'm frustrated she hasn't come out yet!!! I just wanna meet the little princess and hold her! (:

TBearCrazy said...

Very accurate perspective Grandpa! When Dillon was almost 3 years old and we were staying with my Mom and Dad in New Jersey awaiting Jessalyn's arrival we talked about her being in "mama's tummy", and Dillon said "I remember being in your tummy Mama." Flabbergasted of course I said "Oh really? Well what do you remember about it?" and he answered "It was really dark and there was no place to sit down." LMAO ... she'll come when she's ready... just hope she's not pulling a Scorpio like Jess did ... my would-be Sagittarius came one month early to the day. She's been a true Scorpio ever since!

Patti said...

A great read as always Chief! We are all waiting for the grandchild who has captured our hearts before we've even had a chance to meet her! I guess coming late to the party really does command attention! I always believed the saying, "All children have great gifts. Some just open them later than others." I suppose this saying applies to being born as well! Maybe tomorrow is the day? We wait like excited children on line for the merry-go-round! Our family anxiously waits to meet you Jocelyn!

joanne said...

Beautifully Written..a Wise Man.
Congratulations.. Grandpa..xo